Many have asked how Nate is doing. It's such a hard question to answer. I do have checklists and lists that give ranges of when to expect certain milestones, but how do I really evaluate how he's doing? Well, this is what I know....he is responding very well to his exercises. His upper body strength is definitely improving and he's tolerating tummy time for longer periods each day. I counted to 34 seconds today as he held his head up in tummy time. He is also rolling from his back to stomach very easily. He continues to sleep well at night and not so well during the day. We still don't trust his hearing tests and will go back again for another test next month. He just doesn't respond to us like we would expect - we think he likely has hearing loss for higher tones - we notice he responds much better to Bob's voice than mine.
So, how is he doing? I think pretty well! He's making progress and that feels good!